Drawing to Execution

Companies are wired to push the limit in product design in order to deliver success and efficiency to the consumer.

Is YOUR company extending its capabilities well past the industry standard?

Expanding companies, industries, and even economic potential is possible, but it is NOT easy.

If it’s never been done before, first ask, “Why Not?”, then ask for, “Help!”.

In order to develop a strategy which endorses informative and positive impacts on key stakeholders, there are a few guidelines in regards to transportation to allow for success:

1. Define your PURPOSE. Whether you want to go heavier, wider, longer, or taller, your purpose will be questioned by every entity along the way, along with the push back of how to make it lighter, thinner, and shorter. By all means, don’t give away any company secrets, but have a purpose that is justifiable for your permits, routes, and patrols.

2. Set your STANDARDS. The limits of imagination cannot hold you back, but time and money will every single time, so it is important to know the value required to achieve the desired outcome. Stick to your vision without compromising the company's mission and corporate responsibilities.

3. Be prepared to do some TESTING. It’s not always obvious as to why something may or may not work, but knowing it’ll take some tweaking in order to make it worth the time and money spent helps to ease the pain points down the road. Anyone can get lucky once, it’s the consistency over time learning form these points and working smarter, not harder.

4. Remember the COURSE. Continuous improvement is what inches us closer to that competitive advantage. Finding ways to reduce time and money spent on assembly, loading, installation, processing for example, drives efficiency into our pockets and on to the consumer.