Width Challenges — Perkins STC
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During a 17-day timeframe, Perkins field and operations professionals successfully moved a new Yankee dryer manufactured in Germany from the Port of Houston, TX to a greenfield tissue paper plant in Bear River City, UT. In a tissue mill, the Yankee dryer is the largest single machine; a very large diameter steam dryer to aid in the removal of moisture that replaced many smaller ones in the process. For this plan, the Yankee dryer weighed 264,550 lbs and was just over 33' - 5" long and nearly 18' - 5 in diameter. In order to safely and effectively move the large cylinder from Houston, TX to the mill being built just north of Salt Lake City, UT Perkins utilizes its 150 ton capacity dual lane loading perimeter frame trailer. This configuration allowed Perkins to nest the dryer's shipping skid inside the frame only 8" above the road surface to produce a loaded height of only 20' - 0". The use of the Perkins 150 ton perimeter frame reduced the loaded height by 26" compared to using a platform trailer. This lowered our client's budgeted third-party costs for handing utility wires along the 2,114 mile route by 20%.

