Missouri Chamber of Commerce Drive Along — Perkins STC

Superloads are big and often in the way, but they are necessary for growth of industry and the economy. Missouri is continuing the tough conversation of how regulations, restrictions, and aging infrastructure affect others and we appreciate their willingness to listen. The Missouri Chamber of Commerce asked if they could accompany us on a particular job that was bound for Missouri. They compiled a 7 minute video and article with their findings (link below).

By no means would we ever want to put down a state's effort to address necessary improvements, we only want to be an advocate to help them understand how these obstacles contribute to a bigger picture. Just like they have a responsibility to safety, communities, infrastructure, and budget, we have the same goals to protect our crews, customers, cargo, and the general public.

For the past few years we have been involved in a study raising awareness on multi-state, multimodal, oversize/overweight transportation. The data proves these issues exist and outlines the effects it has on interstate commerce within the United States. There are cost impacts, infrastructure impacts, and safety impacts, all which must be addressed, as we, again, all have the same goals to protect our employees, communities, and budget. We encourage all who are impacted or who have an impact to get involved and help us to make positive change within the industry.

Conducted by CPCS for the Transportation Research Board, this detailed report can be found here in association with the National Cooperative Highway Research ProgramNational Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and Portscape, Inc.

If you have any suggestions, concerns, or information that may help in conjunction with these discussions, please email us at info@perkinsstc.com. We are happy to introduce all constructive recommendations and get them in front of the committees dedicated to drive the progress and innovation of superload logistics.

Perkins STC
1800 Riverview Drive, Northfield, MN 55057

